Into this space

I call of thee

All that is whole

And all that’s free

All you’re ashamed of

All that you’d like to hide under a rug

A knee, a lung, a stitch or three

Into this love that’s bigger than me

All you is welcome here

All you is held most dear

Into this love

Into this space

We bring our wholeness

To receive this grace

Sarabhuti and LhaOre 2016



Ounce of Pounce

Meditation opens seas and distant valleys

The one true voice rings clearly down inside me

I feel the distance, bringing us together

Your presence lifts me up through any kind of weather



I wrote an ounce of pounce I sing a drift of sin

Mighty as gin 

Forgiveness from within (X2)


Oh, I love you so much, my rich and sugary 

Beloved, throws me into ecstasy

With giant strides and wide insides

who loves me, who loves me


I wrote an ounce of pounce I sing a drift of sin
Mighty as gin 
Forgiveness from within (X2)




Fireflies soar as they make their light

Words pounding from the crux of night

I’m opening to what I might become

If I can trust…coming undone


I wrote an ounce of pounce I sing a drift of sin
Mighty as gin 
Forgiveness from within (X2)


If I can trust…coming undone

If I can trust…coming undone

If I can trust…



A kiss is on the horizon

We`re spilling at the brim

We`ve reach the edge of friendship

An earthquake from within

Rattling the borders

And reaching out with trust

The lines of love are changing

And God is claiming us

I’ve netted something cosmic

I don’t own his gills

He breathes in like an oyster

Softening to kill

I could go for miles

Surrounded by this bliss

Instead I step back shaking now

On the edge of this abyss

God is claiming us, oh

God is claiming us

The lines of love are changing

And God is claiming us.

I take your hand and hold you

Formed deep inside, my pearl

How can the world contain you now

My wolf princess girl

I float inside your layers

Churn butter on the bus

You think you can avoid me

But God is claiming us

Oh my God holds a mirror

It can’t go on this way

Every bit of me is harnessed

When you hold me in your sway

There has never been a river

There has never been a burst

Yet we rent wide the heavens

And God is claiming us

Hold me now forever

Ride me on the bus

Take me down the river

As God claims us.

God claims us.

God claims us.

God claims us.

Take me down the river

As God claims us.

Sarabhuti and Lha Ore © 2016



Let me try
I want to be human
I can do it
It`s my turn
I`ve been practicing
I know how to feel
I can make decisions like humans do
I can care for people
I messed up again
This is harder than I thought

TingZen © 2016



Do you hear my dear (x)

Do you hear

What I’m trying to say my dear

Shut the fuck up when I’m talking to you

And I’ll try to shut it when you’re talking too

Hello Officer

You’re probably wondering why were parked on the side of the road

We’re trying to get a GPS signal so we can find Petsmart

Our cat needs a cone head collar because she keeps licking her butt

So we were trying to get to Petsmart tonight

We appreciate you checking in on us

Hope you have a good night


Sarabhuti and Lhaore 2018



Six thirty eight this morning

I received a phone call

My beloved apologized to me

You see she had blamed me

She was not feeling nourished

And instead of telling her I love her

I defended myself


I’m not here to fix you

Let me shut up and hold you

And make up for the love you’ve missed

Nothing else need be discussed

I’ll hold you till this pain turns into love




He stayed up all night

Nestled in her womb

Purring like a mountain

Electric as the moon

He donned no garments

Naked as a babe

As she received the force of love

That he and nature gave

Their doodles wove a wisdom

Twinned limbs across a page

She shouted high and low

Learning to be brave

There are so many teachings

In his arms and in his legs

She lets him in, opens her eyes

And rides each tidal wave

His wild eyes grow younger

Younger with every kiss

The knots become unfettered

She shudders ancient bliss

The clock upon the mantle

It strikes its Godly hour

They have become unraveled

In primal passion power

She nods then shakes her head

He grins from ear to ear

Her heart’s become the ocean

Already he’s so dear

All along the coast fisherman

Extend their silver lines

Now this man and this woman know

They`ve been together through all time


Pure Magic


Chorus (C Min)

A particular Act

It feels like bliss

An act of astonishing generosity

Pure magic



Verse (in D Maj)

Burrs in my cape

Beer in my hand

Ambassador of strange

I’ll walk you through this promised land


Floating down a stream

Chumming with my clan

Friends all these years

Champagne in our hands



Chorus (C Min)


Verse (in D Maj)


Superhero sass

Talking with our guests

Tablecloth for cape

Stepping on my podium dress


And what will you do if you love a woman

16 years older than you

Will you accept the gift?

Or will you turn your back on all the kisses

They don’t look the way you thought they would

God, that prochutto’s good.




Bridge #1 (in D Maj)


What possessed you


What filled you with such love


To throw us this party


Like a gift from above


Everyone we met


Everyone who we adore


G     B7        G B7

They’ve gathered in your living room

             G               B7

As we walk through the door X2

 G7         Bb7 G7 Bb7          G A7

We sing our songs, stomp our feet, we celebrate


Bridge  2 (D Maj)

D7 Eb7 G7 Bb7

Love comes in many colors

What color do you choose

Or do we get a choice

When true love’s breakin’ through

Will you answer the call

When love knocks on your door

     G7     Bb7 G7     Bb7

Or will you say      Go away

G      Bb

You’re not what I ordered  X2

        D7 G7

We take a deep breath and dive through the door

    G7         Bb7 G7 Bb7          G A7

We sing our songs, stomp our feet, we celebrate


Chorus (in D Min)


Verse (in D Maj)


Red wine with Bruce

Stopped trying to win all the arguments

In the middle of the fight

He says, “I love you” to his precious wife


What would you do

If you met someone too old or too young for you

Would you / accept the gift?

Or would you turn your back on all the kisses

They don’t look the way you thought they would

But it sure feels good. It feels like heaven on Earth…Heaven on Earth


Chorus (in D Min)




This is the season to not demand

But to cajole harmonies out of every fruit stand

Inviting beacons out of every road side tavern

Sing them out into the universe past the rings of Saturn

Holy hope into the mountains and rivers

Frog choirs sing their hearts out

All creation`s getting bigger

Pray, hope, believe that our redeemer is upon us

She rises from within

We sing out as a chorus

This is the season

We are the reason

For livin and lovin

Everything has been forgiven

I open up into the pain of my condition

I`m dancing with my shadow

I`m a limited edition

The only way that I can be all that I am is to answer every knock and empty every trash can

Holy hope into the mountains and rivers

Frog choirs sing their hearts out

All creation`s getting bigger

Pray, hope, believe that our redeemer is upon us

She rises from within

We sing out as a chorus

This is the season

We are the reason

For livin and lovin

Everything has been forgiven

Sarabhuti & Lha Ore 2016